About Us
The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) works to ensure that college courses offered by high school teachers are as rigorous as courses offered on the sponsoring college campus. As the sole accrediting body for concurrent enrollment partnerships, NACEP helps these programs adhere to the highest standards so students experience a seamless transition to college and teachers benefit from meaningful, ongoing professional development. To advance the field and support our national network of members, we actively share the latest knowledge about best practices, research, and advocacy. Our annual conference is the premier destination for college officials, high school leaders, policymakers, and researchers interested in creating an effective academic bridge between high school and college.
NACEP works towards a future where all secondary students will have equitable access to quality college courses to support their postsecondary goals.
NACEP works towards our vision by advancing a national community to foster equity in dual and concurrent enrollment through accreditation, advocacy, research, and professional development.
In pursuit of our mission, NACEP will not compromise our focus on access, community, education, equity, and excellence.
Areas of Work
NACEP will align, support, and engage the field by focusing its work in four areas:
- Professional Development
- State and Federal Policy and Advocacy
- Standards and Accreditation
- Connection
- Support language in Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to include Concurrent Enrollment programs as a viable form of access to college for all students.
- Support Concurrent Enrollment programs ensuring that ALL students in good standing have equal access to engage in college classes providing academic rigor for a more meaningful high school experience.
- Support access to federal appropriations funding for Concurrent Enrollment programs.
- Support partner institutions in ongoing professional development of high school Concurrent Enrollment instructors in the continuous improvement process.
- Support adherence to an accepted set of national standards that ensure quality Concurrent Enrollment programs.
- Support ongoing, documented research and evaluation of students, faculty, schools, and colleges in Concurrent Enrollment programs to provide continuous program improvement and the most effective state and federal policies.
The three most recent Form 990s (including financial information), the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Form 1023 Application for Exemption, and Conflict of Interest Policy are provided to the public upon request.