Accreditation Resources and Application Forms
The Accreditation Guide for Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) for Peer Reviewers and Applicants includes an interpretation of NACEP’s Standards, the range of acceptable practices, frequently asked questions about the Standards, and advice on assembling a well-designed accreditation application to facilitate peer review. It was updated in November 2022.
Accreditation Guide for College Provided Faculty Model (CPF)
The Accreditation Guide for the College Provided Faculty Model is intended to provide consistent information to NACEP Accreditation Peer Reviewers and Applicants on the interpretation of NACEP’s Standards for the College Provided Faculty model (CPF), the range of acceptable practices, frequently asked questions about the Standards and advice on assembling a well-designed accreditation application to facilitate peer review. It is intended to help programs that are conducting self-studies in anticipation of applying for NACEP accreditation. It was updated in November 2022.
A concurrent enrollment program wishing to become accredited or renew their accreditation should begin their self-study one to two years in advance of submitting an accreditation application. During the self-study, concurrent enrollment program staff, faculty and partners analyze how they ensure that NACEP standards are being met. Through the self-study the concurrent enrollment program documents how it implements the practices and policies described in all 16 of NACEP’s standards.
A self-study provides an opportunity for concurrent enrollment programs to become more innovative, strengthen policies and practices, and institute greater transparency and consistency. The self-study concludes once the concurrent enrollment program is able to ensure and document that all NACEP standards are being met.
During the self-study, prospective applicants are encouraged to access NACEP’s resources to strengthen their CEP program, including:
- The Accreditation Guide For Peer Reviewers and Applicant includes interpretation of NACEP’s Standards, the range of acceptable practices, frequently asked questions about the Standards, and advice on assembling a well-designed accreditation application to facilitate peer review.
- Attending an Accreditation Institute workshop or presentations on the Standards and effective program practices at the NACEP National Conference.
- Soliciting documents, resources, and examples of best practices from peer professionals around the country via the NACEP members-only listserv.
- Review past accreditation applicant webinars, the Survey Guide, Program Evaluation Guide, evaluation survey templates, and other resources on this webpage.
NACEP staff and volunteer leaders are happy to assist you in conducting your self-study.
Self Study Resources:
- Accreditation Webinar Mini-Series (recordings available for members only)
- Introduction to New Concurrent Enrollment Standards
Video | Slide Deck - Surviving the Accreditation Process
Video | Slide Deck
The NACEP Essential Questions for Evaluation Surveys were required to be used by all NACEP-accredited concurrent enrollment programs through the 2017-18 school year, as well as all programs seeking NACEP accreditation in summer 2018. Under the 2017 revisions to the Standards, programs have greater flexibility in the methods used for program evaluation. Programs new to program evaluation are encouraged to utilize NACEP’s survey templates. Programs with greater evaluation experience may continue to use or adapt NACEP’s survey templates, or conduct evaluations using alternative research methods and data collection techniques. The Accreditation Guide contains advice for programs using alternative research methods.
Further advice and guidance on effective practices for administering evaluation surveys is available in the NACEP Survey Guide: Resources for Conducting Concurrent Enrollment Evaluation Surveys. NACEP is developing additional program evaluation guidance and resources aligned with the 2017 revisions to the standards.
If you plan to collect responses to these surveys electronically using SurveyMonkey, NACEP may be able to provide you with templates you can use. Please contact for more information.
Word Templates Containing Board-approved Essential Questions
Click here to access the following surveys
- Student Alumni 1-Year Out Survey
- Alumni 4-Year Out Student Survey
- Guidance Counselor Impact Survey
- Principal Impact Survey
- CEP Instructor Impact Survey
Additional Resources