
NACEP Standards are measurable criteria that address quality in concurrent enrollment and college-provided faculty model programs. The standards are the basis for accreditation, but all concurrent enrollment and college-provided faculty model programs can benefit by using the standards as a framework for program development.

As the only national set of quality standards applicable to concurrent enrollment partnerships and college-provided faculty model programs, NACEP’s standards serve as model standards that have been adapted or incorporated into state policy and recognized by multiple disciplinary professional associations, and regional institutional accreditors.

CEP & CPF Standards & Required Evidence Comparison


The CEP standards of quality were first adopted in 2002, revised in 2009, and in 2017 and include 16 standards, each covering six categories in Partnerships, Curriculum, Faculty, Students, Assessment, and Program Evaluation, that promote the implementation of policies and practices such that:

  • College courses offered in the high school are of the same quality and rigor as the courses offered on-campus at the sponsoring college or university.
  • Students enrolled in concurrent enrollment courses are held to the same standards of achievement as students in on-campus courses.
  • Instructors teaching college courses through the concurrent enrollment program meet the academic requirements for faculty and instructors teaching in the sponsoring post-secondary institution and are trained in course delivery and are provided ongoing discipline-specific professional development.
  • Concurrent enrollment programs display greater accountability through program evaluation.

Summary of NACEP Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) National Standards for Quality

Concurrent Enrollment Program Accreditation Guide (Rev. May 2024)


The College Provided Faculty Model was first adopted in October 2019 and includes 13 standards, each covering six categories in Partnerships, Curriculum, Faculty, Students, Assessment, and Program Evaluation, that promote the implementation of policies and practices such that:

  • Students enrolled in college-provided faculty model courses are advised, enrolled, and supported as consistently as traditional students.
  • Faculty are informed about policies and practices in relation to teaching high school students.
  • There is a clear partnership between the high school and college/university which supports this enrollment model.

Summary of NACEP College Provided Faculty Model (CPF) National Standards of Quality

College Provided Faculty Model Accreditation Guide (Rev. Nov 2022)