Call for Nominations for NACEP Board of Directors & Commissions

Thank you for your interest in running for election to a Board or Commission position. We are excited that you are interested in lending your talent, insight, and voice to the leadership of our organization. Serving as a volunteer leader for NACEP is an excellent opportunity for members to deepen their engagement with the organization, grow as a professionals, and build impactful relationships with other like-minded members. Click here to review detailed information about our volunteer leadership positions

Current Positions Seeking Nominations


Board of Directors:

  • President-Elect - Open to post-secondary members with NACEP accredited programs, candidate must have previously served on the Board.
  • Secretary - Open to post-secondary members with NACEP-accredited programs.
  • Private Post-Secondary Institutional Representative - Open to post-secondary members with NACEP-accredited programs.


Advocacy, Engagement, and Research Commissions

  • Region 2 Institutional Representative - Open to post-secondary members in good standing.
  • Region 4 Institutional Representative - Open to post-secondary members in good standing.

Please note commission nominations are for regions 2 and 4 (see region map below).

Serving as a volunteer leader includes commitment and accountability. It is important that we are transparent with candidates throughout the process by providing information about volunteer positions and expectations.

Elected Board Positions

Board Time Commitment: Board members commit to monthly calls and at least one in-person Board meeting a year. The monthly calls are held on Zoom. The meetings are scheduled for an hour and a half on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Board members are given access to materials pertinent to the call in advance and are expected to review the materials prior to the meeting. Board members are expected to attend a two-day Board meeting the Friday and Saturday before NACEP’s National Conference and may have an additional in-person meeting. There are various projects, activities, and committees that Board members work on, including the implementation of our strategic plan.

Board Financial Support: NACEP provides Board members with one-night lodging and breakfasts, lunches, and one dinner for each in-person meeting. Board member institutions are expected to cover other travel costs, although additional travel support is occasionally available from NACEP.

  • Eligibility: The candidate for President-Elect must also have formerly served on the Board and be a member of a NACEP-accredited program.
  • Term: This is a two-year term before beginning an additional two-year term as President; the term is four years in total.
  • Responsibilities: The President-Elect oversees the National Conference planning committee, assists with the leadership of the Board, and is a member of the Executive Committee.  
  • Eligibility: The candidate for Board Secretary must be a postsecondary member from a NACEP-accredited program.
  • Term: This is a two-year term.
  • Responsibilities: The Board Secretary plays a critical role in documenting the activities of the Board, ensures accountability to the membership, catalogs work on the strategic plan, and serves on the Board Executive Committee.  
Public 2 or 4-Year Institutional Representative
  • Eligibility: The candidate for 2 or 4-year Public Institutional Representative must be a postsecondary member from a NACEP-accredited program that is a 2 or 4-year institution.
  • Term: This is a three-year term.
  • Responsibilities: Institutional Representatives serve as the voice on the Board for the same type of institutions within our membership (public, private, 4-year, 2-year, secondary, state agency). They also serve on the nominating committee and, as such, may have two to three committee meetings each year and help coordinate outreach to members interested in volunteer leadership positions.
Private Institutional Representative
  • Eligibility: The candidate for Private Institutional Representative must be a postsecondary member from a non-public NACEP-accredited program.
  • Term: This is a three-year term.
  • Responsibilities: Institutional Representatives serve as the voice on the Board for the same type of institutions within our membership (public 4-year, 2-year, private institution, secondary, state agency). They also serve on the nominating committee and, as such, may have two to three committee meetings each year and help coordinate outreach to members interested in volunteer leadership positions.

Elected Commission Positions

  • Advocacy Commission Regional Representatives
    • Regions 1, 3, and 5 are elected in odd years, and Regions 2 and 4 are elected in even years.
  • Engagement Commission Regional Representatives
    • Regions 1, 3, and 5 are elected in odd years, and Regions 2 and 4 are elected in even years.
  • Research Commission Regional Representatives
    • Regions 1, 3, and 5 are elected in odd years, and Regions 2 and 4 are elected in even years.

Commissions Time Commitment: Commissioners on the Advocacy, Engagement, and Research Commissions commit monthly to quarterly virtual meetings and generally attend the National Conference and its pre-conference workshops to assist with Commission activities for the event.  There are projects and activities that commissioners work on throughout the year, which vary by commission. A description of each commission’s charge is included below.

  • Eligibility: Must be a NACEP member
  • Term: This is a two-year term.
  • Responsibilities: Varies by Commission
Advocacy Commission

The Advocacy Commission works to develop and maintain a positive image for concurrent and dual enrollment programs and works to strengthen relationships with policy-making governmental agencies and other education organizations that further the interests of NACEP and concurrent and dual enrollment.

In coordination with staff and with the advice of the Board of Directors, the Commission carries on such activities as:

  • Organize and achieve goals outlined in the Strategic Plan
  • Develop and support opportunities for members to learn about policy impacting their work and to inform policy-makers
  • Work with state, regional, and national organizations and governing bodies to promote concurrent and dual enrollment
  • Collaborate with Research Commission to identify state, regional, and national issues and opportunities for advocacy
  • Collaborate with and support the advocacy efforts of NACEP-affiliated State and Regional chapters
  • Identify and prioritize opportunities for enlisting federal and/or state support for concurrent and dual enrollment
  • Monitoring NACEP responses and inform members about legislation, regulations or policy changes that may have an impact on NACEP and/or concurrent enrollment partnership programs
Engagement Commission

The Engagement Commission strengthens the Alliance's services provided to members, communication with all members, and recruitment of new members.

In coordination with staff and with the advice of the Board of Directors, the Commission carries on such activities as:

  • Organize and achieve goals outlined in the Strategic Plan
  • Support member engagement and participation in Alliance activities
  • Identify and support activities that expand the membership of the NACEP
  • Develop content for professional development activities that recognizes model programs and disseminates best practices, including webinars, regional and state conferences, workshops, publications, and awards.
  • Collaborate with the National Conference Planning Committee and NACEP-affiliated State and Regional Chapters
  • Suggest potential candidates to the Nominating Committee for elections and appointments.
  • Support communication campaigns about NACEP activities and to bring awareness of the value of quality concurrent enrollment to students, teachers, schools, and institutions
Research Commission

The Research Commission strengthens concurrent enrollment programs by conducting, supporting, and sharing research about such programs.

In coordination with staff and with the advice of the Board of Directors, the Commission carries on such activities as:

  • Organize and achieve goals outlined in the Strategic Plan
  • Collaborate with external researchers and promote independent research on concurrent and dual enrollment
  • Provide tools and resources to assist programs in conducting program evaluation
  • Work with staff to disseminate research on concurrent and dual enrollment at the NACEP national conference, at regional conferences and workshops, webinars, and publications.
  • Create summary publications of research and best practices in concurrent and dual enrollment.