Past Events from January 9, 2020 - March 31, 2020

NACEP Webinar: “It’s workforce talent, silly”: the politics of dual enrollment

With soaring demand for talent in critical fields, industry is increasingly sounding the alarm that without more streamlined approaches to education and workforce development we’re on the verge of a major crisis. Politicians, at every level, are heeding this warning and are looking for innovation in education. In Virginia, dual enrollment has traditionally been an...

NACEP Webinar: Engagement Series-Increasing Participation and Membership

NACEP is pleased to offer a unique professional development opportunity through our Network Engagement Series.  This series of three webinars is designed to help you grow, strengthen, and empower the networks and partnerships vital to your work. The University of Kansas’ Christina Holt will lead three topical sessions focused on different aspects of network engagement...

Coffee with a Commissioner

Each month we aim to bring you the chance to chat with a NACEP Commissioner. This month we will hear from an Accreditation Commissioner who will share the latest happenings of the Accreditation Commission and answer any questions you might have about accreditation. We hope you will join us. View Recording

NACEP CEP Accreditation Mini-Sessions Partnership Standards

NACEP is pleased to offer a members-only Accreditation Mini-Sessions which will focus on 1-2 standards at a time. The mini broadcast will go into detail about those specific standard/s and give some insight on best practices and samples. The sessions will be short (30 minutes or less) and informative. These broadcasts are open to concurrent...

Arizona Dual Enrollment Conference

Yavapai College, in partnership with the Western Maricopa Programs of Study Consortia (WMPOS), is hosting the Arizona Dual Enrollment Statewide Conference. The purpose of this conference is to provide Arizona community college administrators, dual enrollment coordinators, directors, and faculty, Arizona dual enrollment high school partners to include administrators, Career Technical Education (CTE) Directors, dual enrollment...

NACEP CEP Accreditation Mini-Sessions S1 and S2 Standards

NACEP is pleased to offer a members-only Accreditation Mini-Sessions which will focus on 1-2 standards at a time. The mini broadcast will go into detail about those specific standard/s and give some insight on best practices and samples. The sessions will be short (30 minutes or less) and informative. These broadcasts are open to concurrent...

NACEP CEP Accreditation Mini-Sessions A1 and C2 Standards

NACEP is pleased to offer a members-only Accreditation Mini-Sessions which will focus on 1-2 standards at a time. The mini broadcast will go into detail about those specific standard/s and give some insight on best practices and samples. The sessions will be short (30 minutes or less) and informative. These broadcasts are open to concurrent...

NACEP CEP Accreditation Mini-Sessions S3 and S4 Standards

NACEP is pleased to offer a members-only Accreditation Mini-Sessions which will focus on 1-2 standards at a time. The mini broadcast will go into detail about those specific standard/s and give some insight on best practices and samples. The sessions will be short (30 minutes or less) and informative. These broadcasts are open to concurrent...

NACEP CEP Accreditation Mini-Sessions Evaluation Standard 2

NACEP is pleased to offer a members-only Accreditation Mini-Sessions which will focus on 1-2 standards at a time. The mini broadcast will go into detail about those specific standard/s and give some insight on best practices and samples. The sessions will be short (30 minutes or less) and informative. These broadcasts are open to concurrent...

Coffee with a Commissioner-Cancelled

Each month we aim to bring you the chance to chat with a NACEP Commissioner. This month we will hear from an Engagement Commissioner who will share the latest happenings of the Engagement Commission and answer any questions. We hope you will join us.  This event has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a...

NACEP Live Round Table Discussion on COVID-19

As we all work together to best serve our concurrent and dual enrollment students, during the COVID-19 outbreak we hope that you will join us for a two-part event. NACEP is bringing together a group of individuals from all over the country to share in a round table discussion on how COVID-19 has impacted their...