Past Events from June 12, 2019 - October 28, 2019

Coffee with a Commissioner

Each month we will be bringing you the chance to chat with an Accreditation Commissioner.  The Commissioner will share the latest happenings of the Accreditation Commission and answer any questions you might have about accreditation. To join this month, please register below. View Recording

NACEP Webinar: Making Social Media Your Friend

Making Social Media Your Friend: Ways Social Media Can Impact Your Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Program Join NACEP Communication Manager, Miranda Rodriguez ,to discover ways you can use social media to help promote your dual/concurrent enrollment program. Learn how to put together a social media plan, understand which tools are best for assisting you with the implementation...

Coffee with a Commissioner

Each month we will be bringing you the chance to chat with an Accreditation Commissioner. The Commissioner will share the latest happenings of the Accreditation Commission and answer any questions you might have about accreditation. To join this month, please register below. View Recording

Summer 2019 Accreditation Institute

Led by experienced professionals from NACEP-accredited concurrent enrollment programs, this in-depth workshop features strategies for implementing NACEP’s 2017 national standards that enhance the quality of concurrent enrollment programs.The Institute is being hosted by Portland Community College and is open to all who are interested. Learning Objectives: The importance of upholding high standards to ensure the...

MnCEP Summer Meeting – 2019

Minnesota Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships has announced their Summer meeting.  See below for the current details and feel free to reach out to the Chapter directly for additional information.WHEN: Monday and Tuesday, July 15 – 16 TIMES: Monday: 12-5p and Tuesday: 9-12:30p (times are subject to slight change) WHERE: Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Detroit Lakes...

NACEP-CHSA-ACT Webinar: Where Next for the Dual Enrollment Pell Grant Experimental Sites? (Public)

The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships is teaming up with ACT and the College in the High School Alliance to bring you an informative, public webinar. In 2016, the U.S. Department of Education established an initiative that allows certain postsecondary institutions to award Pell Grants to low-income high school students participating in a dual and concurrent...

NACEP Webbyte: Going the Distance

Credentialing requirements can sometimes make it difficult to find qualified instructors to teach college courses at the high school, especially in rural locations. Baker College will provide information on how distance learning courses can be utilized to bridge the access gap. More specifically, Baker College will discuss the flexibility of distance learning, the benefits this...

NACEP Management Series: Student Resources and Support Live Panel

NACEP’s Management Series is back with a live panel who will share best practices for supporting your students. We will have programs from the states of Washington, Colorado and Pennsylvania discuss with you some of the great things they do for their students. Panelist will share the resources students are provided, how information is shared...

NACEP Webinar – Hope for the Future: Motivating Students to Pursue their Dreams

Guiding students to pursue their passions is a strong motivator to help them stay in school. Youth is faced with many challenges that impact their social/emotional health. By attending to students’ dimensions of motivation (competence, control/autonomy, interest/value, and relatedness) school personnel have the potential to keep students engaged in school as they connect to their...

High School Guide Release

The NACEP High School Guide outlines the general process a district/high school partner can expect to undertake when establishing a concurrent/dual enrollment program aligned with NACEP standards. We hope that you will join us for our release webinar in which we will talk about how the guide came to be and how this new publication...

Arkansas Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships- Fall Meeting

The Arkansas Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships will meet October 28 at the University of Arkansas at Hope – Texarkana for their annual Fall Meeting. The meeting will run from 10-2 pm. There is a $30 registration fee.Click here to register.


NACEP Webinar: Crossing the Finish Line

The general education courses of the Interstate Passport has gained a lot of momentum at community colleges across the nation.  Our college used this a kick start to help local high schools in offering a program of study to students who may not know where they are going after high school.  Laramie County Community College...