Past Events from November 16, 2021 - March 9, 2022

Strengthening the Dual Enrollment Teacher Pipeline: Building the Institutional, State, and National Agenda

NACEP Virtual Workshop – Strengthening the Dual Enrollment Teacher Pipeline: Building the Institutional, State, and National Agenda November 16, 2021 | 1-3 pm ET Access to a more robust, diverse, and inclusive pool of qualified instructors is essential to driving more equitable access to and engagement in college courses for high school students. This workshop explores...

(Member-Only) Usher or a Gatekeeper: Removing Barriers to Student Success

Most people who are involved with concurrent/dual enrollment are focused on helping students access college coursework. In many cases, these same people are also advocates for equity and inclusion. In reality, however, policies and practices, often long-ingrained at institutions, may be hampering efforts for institutions to truly provide access in equitable ways. The power of...

NACEP Annual Business Meeting

Hello NACEP Members, NACEP is a member-supported, member-serving organization. Every year we make time to update NACEP members on the overall health of the organization, our activities, and the work ahead at the NACEP Member Annual Business Meeting. Traditionally, the annual meeting has taken place as part of our National Conference. Last year's meeting was...

Starting a NACEP State Chapter

NACEP State and regional chapters offer practitioners a great opportunity to connect for networking, professional development, and the advancement of dual and concurrent enrollment issues important in the state or region. State and Regional NACEP Chapters can also create a platform for building a unified voice to influence state and local policy. This session will...

New Year, New Approach: Learning to Invest in Yourself in 2022

Member-Only Webinar Presenter: Kimberly Ellis, Special Populations/Career Services/Equity Coordinator Office of Technical Education Technical College System of Georgia Tips and tricks to help practice self-care and stress management on a daily basis.  Our world has drastically changed, presenting a variety of new stressors and challenges. In this "new normal" the way we work, serve students, and...

COLLEGE IN HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS & COVID-19: Two Years of Challenge and Change

Public Webinar Presenters: Alex Perry, Policy Advisor Foresight Law + Policy The COVID-19 pandemic has had fundamental and transformative impacts across the entire education system. Many of those impacts will take years to fully understand. The College in High School Alliance (CHSA) and NACEP have been seeking to understand the impact of the pandemic on college in...

Finding New Ways to Mitigate the Impact of Pandemic-Disrupted Learning

Every student deserves the opportunity to get back on track and feel confident in their learning. In this session education leaders will share student success stories from various nonprofit partnerships, like The NROC Project, and how they have implemented proven measures to help fill student knowledge gaps. Among the panelists will be Dr. Samuel West, District...

From “Random Acts” and “Programs of Privilege” to Dual Enrollment Equity Pathways

Public Webinar Presenters: John Fink, Senior Research Associate, Community College Research Center at Teachers College - Columbia University Davis Jenkins, Senior Research Scholar, Community College Research Center at Teachers College - Columbia University Sobia Khan, Dean for Academic Success, San Antonio College Research on dual credit highlights its potential for expanding access to college and...

Leveraging Cultural Competency in Dual Enrollment Program Planning

Public Webinar Presented by: sarah Brown, Program Manager, Office of Dual Enrollment, Marshall University Dianne Barker, Director of State Engagement, NACEP The focus of many dual enrollment programs is on educational access and student success. In order to meet this goal for students traditionally underrepresented in higher education, institutions need to understand the students they...

Going Global – The Basics of Building Dual Credit Programs Internationally

Member-Only Webinar Presenters: Sandy Cruz, Dual Credit Director, University of Central Missouri Dr. Carla Mebane, Assistant Dean and Director, University of Missouri-Kansas City Building dual and concurrent enrollment programs in the U.S. can be complicated, expanding internationally can add a whole new layer to this complexity. Join this session to learn about the basics of...

Virtual Program Evaluation Workshop

Date: March 8th, 2022 Time: 11-2 pm EST Registration details: Registration is free for NACEP members and is limited to 50 participants, first come first served. What do you know about your program and how do you know it? Researchers Jason Taylor (University of Utah) and Eric Grebing (SERVE UNC-Greensboro) join forces with Accreditation Commissioners Mike...


Public Webinar Presented By: Amy Williams, Executive Director, NACEP Alex Perry, Policy Advisor, Foresight Law + Policy Jenny Parks, Vice President, Midwestern Higher Education Compact Jennifer Zinth, Founder, Zinth Consulting LLC Concurrent enrollment programs are popular, prevalent, and impactful. Yet, recent analyses of access and participation data reveal troubling equity gaps nationwide. As states and institutions work...