(Member-Only) Usher or a Gatekeeper: Removing Barriers to Student Success

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(Member-Only) Usher or a Gatekeeper: Removing Barriers to Student Success

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November 17, 2021, 1:00 am, 2:00 pm

Most people who are involved with concurrent/dual enrollment are focused on helping students access college coursework. In many cases, these same people are also advocates for equity and inclusion. In reality, however, policies and practices, often long-ingrained at institutions, may be hampering efforts for institutions to truly provide access in equitable ways. The power of connections and intentional efforts in the classroom and at the institution can make a significant impact on students in dual enrollment programs. This session focuses on specific strategies for closing gaps in equity, opportunity, and achievement in dual enrollment programs. Join us to hear ideas on how administrators, counselors, teachers, and parent liaisons help expand dual credit options to underrepresented students. In this session, we will review several common issues that may be unintentionally hampering your students and ultimately, their access and success in dual enrollment courses. Participants will leave with specific strategies on how to make specific and significant changes that will positively impact students.


November 17, 2021
1:00 am, 2:00 pm
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