NACEP-CHSA-ACT Webinar: Where Next for the Dual Enrollment Pell Grant Experimental Sites? (Public)

NACEP-CHSA-ACT Webinar: Where Next for the Dual Enrollment Pell Grant Experimental Sites? (Public)
- This event has passed.
July 25, 2019, 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm
The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships is teaming up with ACT and the College in the High School Alliance to bring you an informative, public webinar. In 2016, the U.S. Department of Education established an initiative that allows certain postsecondary institutions to award Pell Grants to low-income high school students participating in a dual and concurrent enrollment program.
This federal initiative is still running, but now states are starting to explore how to use their own state-based financial aid programs to accomplish the same goal. This webinar will discuss how these two activities can operate in harmony to benefit students, and where federal discussions around expanding access to financial aid to high school students are headed next. We hope you will join us.
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