MiCEP Membership

Membership includes any institution or individual involved with concurrent enrollment partnerships that submits a membership application and pays annual dues as recommended by the Membership Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Membership in MiCEP does not preclude institution or individual participation in other organizations or associations.


Institutional Members

  • Right to vote (one vote per institution, designated at the Annual Meeting)
  • Right to hold office, serve as committee chairs or members
  • Right to attend MiCEP sponsored activities
  • Right to reduced fees for MiCEP sponsored activities
  • Right to an institutional membership certificate

Individual Members

  • Opportunity to serve as committee members
  • Opportunity to attend MiCEP sponsored activities
  • Opportunity for reduced fees for MiCEP sponsored activities
  • Opportunity for an individual membership certificate

Membership Application

Cornerstone Partners

Keystone Partners