OADEP Membership

We invite you to join OADEP or renew your OADEP membership for the 2023-24 membership year! Complete your membership application today (see the online application link below) to take advantage of all of the benefits OADEP has to offer, including reduced registration fees for our annual conference and free webinar access.

** NOTE: The membership year is August through July – applications are accepted starting August 1st. Members that join later in the year will not be able to pro-rate the membership fee. Please have one member per institution complete the application.**

Membership Categories:

Institutional ($125):

Any employee of a public/private post-secondary or secondary institution that supports the mission of OADEP and concurrent enrollment. Membership benefits include:

  • Right to vote (one vote per institution)
  • Right to hold office, serve as committee chairs or members
  • Right to attend OADEP-sponsored activities
  • Right to reduced fees for OADEP-sponsored activities
  • Right to a membership certificate

Individual ($75):

Any organization, government entity or individual, not currently employed by an Institution of Higher Education or K-12 school district, who supports the mission of OADEP and concurrent enrollment. Membership benefits include:

  • Right to serve as committee members
  • Right to attend OADEP-sponsored activities
  • Right to reduced fees for OADEP-sponsored activities
  • Right to a membership certificate

To join or continue your membership, please complete this form.


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