In the News

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June 22, 2020

A Learner-Centered Approach to Early Postsecondary Opportunities Amid COVID-19

In a two-part series NACEP and Advance CTE discuss the impacts of the Coronavirus on CTE #dualenrollment. In part one, learn about the challenges many postsecondary institutions are now facing.

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June 15, 2020

COVID-19 Will Disrupt Early Postsecondary CTE Credit Attainment; Don’t Make Learners Bear the Burden

In a two-part series NACEP and Advance CTE discuss the impacts of the Coronavirus on CTE #dualenrollment. In part one, learn about the challenges many postsecondary institutions are now facing.

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April 13, 2020

Taking College Courses in High School Is Supposed to Save You Money. Here’s How Dual Enrollment Classes Really Work

Forty years of studies suggest that most colleges will accept credit earned through dual enrollment programs, says Tim Stetter, director of UW in the High School at the University of Washington Continuum College.

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April 1, 2020

Ready for what? Postsecondary data on school report cards remains mixed bag

According to 2019 guidance from the U.S. Department of Education, school report cards should include what students are doing after high school graduation “to the extent postsecondary enrollment data are available.” And the data should be disaggregated by racial and ethnic subgroup and whether students have a disability, are English learners or are from low-income families.

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