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September 16, 2020
NACEP Quality Standards and Pandemic Disruption: A Resource for Programs Navigating Accreditation and Reaccreditation
NACEP provides a variety of resources to assist programs preparing for accreditation but none that address how to document program changes due to pandemic disruption. Given the challenges facing colleges, universities, and high schools nationwide,...
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September 5, 2020
Does the Concurrent Enrollment Program Improve Time-To-Degree and Wages?
Colorado has invested significantly in the state’s Concurrent Enrollment Program, which provides high school students the opportunity to enroll tuition-free in postsecondary courses and earn college credits that are transferable to any Colorado public university....
August 13, 2020
Learn How Online Learning Platforms Can Help Facilitate NACEP Accreditation, Presented by Pearson
Now more than ever schools are turning to online learning, so why not utilize online learning platforms to help your program with accreditation?NACEP accreditation recognizes programs that have consistently met or exceeded rigorous, peer-reviewed standards...
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August 13, 2020
Prioritizing Equity in Dual Enrollment
This Policy Brief defines dual enrollment and common barriers to entry for historically underserved student populations. It identifies three opportunities for policies to expand access and make it more equitable. Read More
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August 11, 2020
Planning For Pandemic Disruption
Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (CEPs) face unprecedented disruption and much uncertainty in the months ahead. NACEP has compiled these two guides for programs to help them navigate the complexities of their programs in a time when...
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August 3, 2020
Using Banner for Concurrent Enrollment Registration
Idaho State University has been utilizing Ellucian Banner since 2010 for admissions and registration purposes for their concurrent enrollment students. In 2017, they started using this process for dual enrollment students coming to campus to...
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July 29, 2020
A National Snapshot: How Students Experience and Perceive Transferring Earned Credit
A new study focusing on how students around the country experience the credit transfer process points to the importance of academic advising and clear communication from institutions. Dual enrollment courses have a role in the credit loss...
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June 24, 2020
Comparing the Impact of Televised and Face-to-Face Dual Enrollment Programs on Student Satisfaction and Subsequent Enrollment Choices
A concurrent enrollment partnership (CEP) offers qualified students in high school the opportunity to take university courses. A CEP is usually between a postsecondary institution and a school district. In a CEP the postsecondary institution is...
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June 24, 2020
Dual Enrollment Student Achievement in Various Learning Environments
The purpose of this study was to examine whether variations in student achievement in college courses exist between high school students who took the courses as dual enrollment (DE) courses and academically comparable high school students (AIMS...
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June 22, 2020
High-Quality CTE: Planning for COVID-19- Impacted School Year
As the country continues to grapple with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, CTE stakeholders around the nation are thinking ahead to what education might look like in the future. Whether schools and postsecondary institutions...
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June 22, 2020
The Lasting Benefits of Early College High Schools Considerations and Recommendations for Policymakers
The high school years are a pivotal stage for students to prepare to succeed in college and careers. Most jobs today require a postsecondary degree—and most students want to go to college. There are substantial...